Program – Interfaces for Body and Space

Salt Beyoğlu
9 November 2014 – Sunday

This is planned as a half day program where the researchers of Metabody project encounters with the public which consist of presentations, demonstration of the technologies workshop presentations and performances (based on the work executed in the preceding week).


Time Schedule

13:00    “Interfaces for Body and Space”, Ekmel Ertan (Talk)
13:15     “MotionComposer:  Turning Movement into Music – for persons with and without disabilities”, Robert Wechsler (Talk)
13:30    “Introduction to the METABODY project”, Jaime de Val (Talk)
13:45    “Facilitating Technological Tools and Methods For Cerebral Palsy”, Feride Bilir (Talk)
14:00    Dance with Different Bodies + Motion Composer (Performance)
14:45    MotionComposer (MetabodyBox) (Demonstrations)
15:00    “Inter-Performing Environments”, Nimish Biloria (Talk)
15:15     Nilüfer Kozikoğlu (Talk)
15:30    “From Movement to Form: Crystal Bodies”, Şafak Uysal (Talk)
15:45     Christal Bodies (Workshop presentation)
16:00    Nifüfer (Workshop presentation)
16:15     Wearable Dynamics (Demonstrations)
16:45    Dance with Sheldon  (Performance)
17:00    “Wearable_Dynamics: methodology that applies the dynamics of physical movements to understand body expressivity”, Paola Tognazzi (Talk)
17:15     “Farklı Bedenlerle Dans”, Tuğçe Tuna (Talk)
17:30    Dance with Different Bodies + Motion Composer (Performance)
17:45    Dance with Sheldon  (Performance)


Kategorized Program

Cinema Hall
“Interfaces for Body and Space”, Ekmel Ertan (Curator, Artist, Academic – amberPlatform)
“Introduction to Metabody Project”, Jaime de Val (Reverso, Metabody project coordinator)
“MotionComposer:  Turning Movement into Music – for persons with and without disabilities”, Robert Weschler ( Choreographer, Performance artist – Palindrome)
“Farklı Bedenlerle Dans”, Tuğçe Tuna (Dance and performance artist, Choreographer, Academic – Rem Dans)
“Facilitating Technological Tools and Methods For Cerebral Palsy”Feride Bilir (PT, MSc, BT)
“From Movement to Form: Crystal Bodies”, Şafak Uysal (Architect, Choreographer, Academic)
“Inter-Performing Environments”, Nimish Biloria (Hyper Space)
Nilüfer Kozikoğlu (Architect)
“Wearable_Dynamics: methodology that applies the dynamics of physical movements to understand body expressivity”, Paola Tognazzi (Physical interaction designer, Choreographer)

Dance with Different Bodies + Motion Composer (Rem Dans, Palindrome)
Dance with Shaldon! (Paola Tognazzi)
Motion Composer (Robert Wechsler)

Public-Participatory Presentations:
Motion Composer (Palindrome)
Wearable Dynamics (Paola Tognazzi)
Choreographic Phrases (Tuğçe Tuna, Robert Wechsler)

Presentations of Research Workshops:
Body and Space (Nilüfer Kozikoğlu, Tuğçe Tuna, Nimish Biloria)
Christal Bodies (Şafak Uysal, Mutlu Güngör, Ezgi)